offer up a sacrifice by the sea Vouru-Kasha, with a hundred male horses, a thousand oxen, ten thousand lambs.
117. 'They' begged of her a boon, saying: “Grant us this, O good, most beneficent Ardvi Sara Anâhita! that we may conquer the valiant Kavi Vistâspa and Zairivairi who fights on horseback, and that we may smite of the Aryan people their fifties and their hundreds, their hundreds and their thousands, their thousands and their tens of thousands, their tens of thousands and their myriads of myriads."
118. 'Ardvi Sura Anâhita did not grant them that favour, though they were offering up libations, giving gifts, sacrificing, and entreating that she should grant them that favour.
'For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice ....
119. 'Offer up a sacrifice, O Spitama Zarathustral unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sûra Anâhita ....
120. 'For whom Ahura Mazda has made four horses—the wind, the rain, the cloud, and the sleetand thus ever 3 upon the earth it is raining, snowing, hailing, and sleeting; and whose armies are so many and numbered by nine-hundreds and thousands.
121. 'I will worship the height Hukairya, of the
1 The text has the singular here and in the rest of the sentence : the names of the two brothers form a sort of singular dvandva; cf. Franghrasyanem Keresavazdem (Yt. XIX, 77); Ashavazdanghô Thritahê (Yt. XIII, 113; and same Yast, 115), and in the present passage Vistâ spô Zairivairis (see Études Iraniennes, II, 229). ? Both were killed by Isfendyâr (Shâh Nâmah). Mîsti translated hamêsak, sadâ (Yt. VII, 4). [23]
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