XXV. 107. Offer up a sacrifice, O Spitama Zarathustral unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sara Anâhita ....
108. ·Unto her did the talli Kavi Vistâspa offer up a sacrifice behind Lake Frazdânava, with a hundred male horses, a thousand oxen, ten thousand lambs.
109. 'He begged of her a boon, saying: “Grant me this, O good, most beneficent Ardvi Sara Anahita! that I may overcome Tãthravant, of the bad law, and Peshana, the worshipper of the Daêvas, and the wicked Aregat-aspa 4, in the battles of this world !”
110. 'Ardvi Sûra Anâhita granted him that boon, as he was offering up libations, giving gifts, sacrificing, and entreating that she would grant him that boon.
*For her brightness and glory, I will offer her a sacrifice ....
1 Berezaidhi, translated buland (Yasna LVII, 11 [LVI, 5, 2]). 3 See Yt. XIII, 99 ; V, 98, 105.
s A lake in Seistan (Bundahis XXII, 5); from that lake will rise Hôshêdar Bâmi (Ukhshyal-ereta), the first of the three sons of Zarathustra, not yet born (Bahman Yast III, 13; cf. Yt. XIII, 98).
• Of these three, Aregat-aspa alone is known to Firdausi ; he is the celebrated Argâsp, who waged a deadly war against Gûstâsp to suppress the new religion : be stormed Balkh, slaughtered Lôhrasp and Zartûst (Zarathustra), and was at last defeated and killed by Gâstâsp's son, Isfendyâr. He is the Afrâsyâb of the Zoroastrian period. In the Avesta he is not called a Turanian (Tura), but a Huyaona; see Yt. IX, 30.
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