I, 20, 1.
loss on the laity—when he goes about to do harm to the laity—when he goes about to deprive the laity of their dwellings- when he reviles and finds fault with the laity—when he brings about division between the laity. These are the five things, O Bhikkhus, which (&c., as above, down to) against him.
There are other five things, O Bhikkhus, which when they characterise a Bhikkhu, the Samgha, if it likes, should carry out the Patisâraniyakamma against him; (that is to say), when he speaks to the laity in dispraise of the Buddha—when he speaks to the laity in dispraise of the Dhammawhen he speaks to the laity in dispraise of the Samgha-when he puts laymen down, and lowers
them by censure—when he does not fulfil a promise · made in accordance with the Rules to the laity.
These are the other five things, O Bhikkhus, which (&c., as before, down to) against him.
There are five kinds of Bhikkhus, O Bhikkhus, against whom the Samgha, if it likes, should carry out the Patisâraniya-kamma; (that is to say), one who goes about to bring loss on the laity (&c., as in the last paragraph, down to the end).'
Here end the four times five cases of suspicion.
21. [Chapter 5, as to the right conduct of a Bhikkhu subjected to the Tagganiya-kamma, is repeated, reading Patisâraniya for Tagganiya.] Here end the eighteen duties which follow on a
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