· "Whither then, Sir, will the venerable Sudhamma
go ?'
I shall go to Sâvatthi, O householder, to visit the Blessed One.'.
Then, Sir, let the Blessed One know all, both what you yourself have said, and what I have said. And I should not, Sir, be surprised if the venerable Sudhamma were to return again even to Makkhikâsanda.'
5. So the venerable Sudhamma gathered together his sleeping mat, and set out, with his bowl and his robe, for Sâvatthi. And he journeyed straight on to Sâvatthi, to the Getavana, Anathapindika's Grove, to the place where the Blessed One was; and on arriving there he bowed down before the Blessed One, and took his seat on one side. And when he was thus seated the venerable Sudhamma informed the Blessed One of all, both that he himself had said, and that Kitta the householder had said.
The Blessed Buddha rebuked him, saying, 'This was improper, O foolish one, not according to rule, unsuitable, unworthy of a Samana, and ought not to have been done. How is it that you, O foolish one, could put down and could lower by your censure? Kitta the householder, he being a man of faith, a believing disciple, and a donor, a provider, and a supporter of the Samgha ?' This will not conduce, O foolish one, either to the conversion of the unconverted, or to the increase of the converted; but rather to the unconverted not being converted, and to the turning back of those who have been
· Compare Dhammapada, p. 263, and Gâtaka I, 191. : Compare Gâtaka I, 191, 356, 359, and Sutta Nipâta, verse 905.
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