IX, 1, 3.
Now those stranger Bhikkhus thought: The resident Bhikkhu here, O friends, is indeed goodnatured; he provides a bath for us and provides also rice-milk, and food, hard and soft. What if we were to stay here, friends, at Vasabha-gama.' Thus those stranger Bhikkhus stayed there at Vasabhagama.
2. Now the Bhikkhu Kassapa-gotta thought : *These stranger Bhikkhus are rested now from their travel-weariness; they did not know their way here before, but now they know their way. It is troublesome indeed to be busy all one's life for people not related to one's self, and being asked 1 is disagreeable to men. What if I were to provide no longer rice-milk, and food, hard and soft (for those Bhikkhus).' Thus he did not provide any more (for them) rice-milk, and food, hard and soft.
Then those stranger Bhikkhus thought: 'Formerly, friends, this resident Bhikkhu used to provide baths for us, and to provide also rice-milk, and food, hard and soft. But now he does not provide any more rice-milk, and food, hard and soft. This resident Bhikkhu, friends, is in anger with us now. Well, friends, let us pronounce expulsion against this resident Bhikkhu.
3. Then those stranger Bhikkhus assembled and said to the Bhikkhu Kassapa-gotta : 'Formerly, friend, you used to provide baths for us and to provide also rice-milk, and food, hard and soft. But now you do not provide any more rice-milk, and food, hard and soft. You have committed an offence, friend; do you see that offence?'
1 As he was obliged to ask the people of Vasabha-gâma for what the stranger Bhikkhus wanted.
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