VIII, 2.
since the Blessed One has allowed the Bhikkhus to wear lay robes.' And in one day many thousands of robes were presented at Râgagaha (to the Bhikkhus).
And the people in the country heard, “The Blessed One has allowed the Bhikkhus to wear lay robes.' Then those people became glad (&c., as above, down to:) And in one day many thousands of robes were presented through the country also (to the Bhikkhus).
36. At that time the Samgha had received a mantle. They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to wear a mantle.' They had got a silk mantle. I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to wear a silk mantle.' They had got a fleecy counterpane 1. 'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to use a fleecy counter
End of the first Bhânavåra.
At that time the king of Kasi? sent to Givaka Komârabhakka a woollen garment made half of Benares cloth ... Then Givaka Komârabhakka
See Abhidhânapp. v. 312. · Buddhaghosa : This king was Pasenadi's brother, the same father's son. He appears to have been a sub-king of Pasenadi, for in the Lohikka-sutta it is stated that Pasenadi's rule extended both over Kasi and Kosala (Raga Pasenadi Kosalo Käsikosalam agghavasati'). Our translation of addhakâsikam kambalam is merely
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