VII, 1, 6.
when the ceremony has had to be abandoned (because it has lasted through the night) 1: when the ceremony has fallen through (from other causes) :: when in the formal choice by the presiding Bhikkhu) the upper robes have been left out, or the under robes, or the waist-cloths: when any one of the five parts of the robe have been omitted in the cutting out': when the ceremony has been presided over by more than one Bhikkhu 4. And even when the Kathina ceremony has (otherwise) been normally performed, if (the Samgha) ratifying the distribution, be other than the (whole Samgha) dwelling within the boundary, then also the Kathina ceremony has not been duly held 6.
'In these cases, O Bhikkhus, the Kathina ceremony has not been duly held.
6. 'And when, O Bhikkhus, has the Kathina ceremony been duly held ?'
When the robes have been made out of new
ka nikaya-sannidhi ka. Tattha tadah' eva akatvà thapetva karanam karana-sannidhi; samgho agga kathina-dussam labhitvå puna-divase deti ayam nikaya-sannidhi (B.).
1 Nissaggiyena 'ti ratti-nissaggiyena. Parivare pi vuttam nissaggiyam nâma kayiramâne arunam udriyatiti (B.).
? Akappa-katena 'ti anâdinna-kappa-bindhunâ (B.), which we do not understand. Perhaps we should read binduna.
Aññatra pañkakena vâ atireka-pañkakena va 'ti pasika vå atirekâni và khandå ni katva maha-mandala-addha-mandalâni dassetvå katen' eva valtati. Evam hi samandali-katam hoti. Tam thapetva aññena akkhinnakena và dvi-tti-katu-khandena va na vattati (B.). On these five parts of the robe compare below, Mahavagga VIII, 12, 2.
• Aiñatra puggalassa atthârå 'ti puggalassa atthâram Thapetvå na aññena samghassa va ganassa va atthårena atthatam hoti (B.). The official distributor' (atthâraka) must be a single person, not a gana, or the Samgha.
* See the note on § 4, and below, VIII, 23.
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