VI, 36, 6.
receive from me alone, and not from others, the requisites of the Order : that is to say, robes, and food, and dwelling-places, and medicine for the use of the sick.'
Whosoever, Roga, with the knowledge of a disciple, and with the insight of a disciple !, has perceived the Truth, even as thou hast, they also will think, “Oh! that the venerable ones would be pleased to receive from me alone, and not from others, the requisites of the order." Therefore, Roga, they shall receive them from you, indeed, but also from others.
6. Now at that time a certain succession had been fixed, in which the inhabitants of Kusinârà should each in succession provide food for the Samgha. And it occurred to Roga the Malla, who had not received a place in the succession, thus:
What if I were to inspect the Samgha's storehouse, and provide whatever I found wanting in the storehouse?' And on inspecting the storehouse, he found there no potherbs, and no meal ?
Then Roga the Malla went up to the place where the venerable Ananda was, and when he had come there, he spake to the venerable Ånanda thus :
It occurred to me (&c., as before, down to :) and no meal. If, Ânanda, I were to provide potherbs and meal, would the Blessed One accept them at my hands ?'
7. The venerable Ânanda told this thing to the Blessed One.
i Sekhena, as opposed to asekhena. That is, with the knowledge of one who is not himself an Arahat. See our note on Mahavagga I, 7, 13.
. See the note at the end of $ 8.
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