V, 13, 1.
131. 1. Now at that time the venerable Maha Kakkâyana was staying in Avanti on the hill called the Precipice, near Kuraraghara ? And at that time the lay-disciple named Sona Kutikanna : was the personal attendant upon the venerable Maha Kakkayana.
And the disciple Sona Kutikanna went to the place where the venerable Maha Kakkâyana was, and saluted him, and took his seat beside him. And when he was thus seated, he said to the venerable Maha Kakkâyana :
'As I understand the doctrine laid down by the venerable Maha Kakkâyana, it is difficult for the man who dwells at home to live the higher life in all its fulness, in all its purity, in all its bright perfection. I wish therefore to cut off my hair and beard, to clothe myself in the orange-coloured robes, and to go forth from the household life into the houseless state 4. May the venerable Maha Kakkayana receive me into the Order of those who have renounced the world!'
2. 'Hard is it, Sona, your life long to live the
1 Sections 1-6 of this chapter were published and translated by Alwis in his 'Kakkâyana's Pali Grammar,' pp. 92 and following...
* Buddhaghosa spells this name Kuduraghara, and says it was there that Kakka yana had been accustomed to go for alms, and that he dwelt on the precipice itself.
• Buddhaghosa has a curious explanation of this name, Konagghanakam pana kanna-pilandhanakam dhåreti, tasma Kukkanno 'ti vukkati. This is evidently merely drawn from the word itself, which may just as well have meant with pointed ears.'
• This is a common phrase. Compare Tevigga Sutta (Rh. D., • Buddhist Suttas from the Pali,' pp. 187, 188).
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