1. 1. At that time the blessed Buddha dwelt at Râgagaha at the Vulture's Peak.
Now at that time Seniya Bimbisåra, the king of Magadha, held rule and sovranty over eighty thousand townships! And at that time there was at Kampà a Setthi's son named Sona Kolivisa ’, delicately nurtured, on the soles of whose feet hair had grown.
Now when Seniya Bimbisâra, the king of Magadha, was holding an assembly of the eighty thousand overseers over those townships, he sent a message to Sona Kolivisa on some matter of business, saying, "Let Sona come hither. I desire Sona's presence!'
2. Then spake the parents of Sona Kolivisa to him thus: 'The king, dear Sona, wishes to see thy feet. But stretch not out thy feet, dear Sona, towards the
i Gâma, which should be understood in the sense of parishes, not of villages.
* This Sona is the reputed author of one of the Theragâthâs. It is interesting to notice that Kampâ, the capital of Anga, is here included under Magadha. Compare Anga-magadhesu in Mahavagga I, 19, and the beginning sentences of the Sonadanda Sutta (Digha Nikaya), in which it is said that the revenues of the town of Rampa had been bestowed by king Bimbisara on the Brahmana Sonadanda.
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