HEX. 55
the line) has not changed from the constancy (proper to a wife).
3. “The younger sister who was to be married off is in a mean position :'--this is shown by the improprieties (indicated in the line).
4. (The purpose in) ‘protracting the time' is that, after waiting, the thing may be done (all the better).
5. “The sleeves of the younger sister of (king) T1-yî, when she was married away, were not equal to those of her (half-) sister, who accompanied her:'-- such was her noble character, indicated by the central position of the line.
6. (What is said in) the sixth line, divided, about there being nothing in the basket' shows that the subject of it is carrying an empty basket.
LV. (The trigrams representing) thunder and lightning combine to form Făng. The superior man, in accordance with this, decides cases of litigation, and apportions punishments with exactness.
1. “Though they are both of the same character, there will be no error:'-if the subject of this
LIV. Thunder rolling above is supposed to produce movement in the waters of the marsh below. The combination of this symbolism in Kwei Mei is recognised as an evil omen in the case which the name denotes. The application of it is not inappropriate.
Paragraph 1. "It is the constant practice (for such a case)' seems to mean that an ancillary wife has no right to the disposition of herself, but must do what she is told. Thus it is that the mean position of the younger sister does not interfere with the service she can render.
The addition to the Text of the purpose' in paragraph 4 is to show that the putting marriage off is on the part of the lady and not on the other side.
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