2. 'He is in the midst of the host, and there will be good fortune:'-he has received the favour of Heaven. 'The king has thrice conveyed to him the orders (of) his favour:'-(the king) cherishes the myriad regions in his heart.
3. 'The host with the possibility of its having many idle leaders:'-great will be its want of
4. 'The host is in retreat; but there is no error:' -there has been no failure in the regular course.
5. The oldest son leads the host:'-its movements are directed by him in accordance with his position in the centre. 'Younger men idly occupy their positions:'-the employment of such men is improper.
6. The great ruler delivers his charges:'thereby he rightly apportions merit. 'Small men should not be employed:'-they are sure to throw the states into confusion.
VII. 'The Great Symbolism' here is not more satisfactory than in other paragraphs of it which have already come before us. Ka Hsî says:-'As the water is not outside the earth, so soldiers are not outside the people. Therefore if (a ruler) be able to nourish the people, he can get the multitudes (of his hosts).' Is the meaning this, that originally the people and soldiers are one body; that a portion of the people are taken out from among the mass, as occasion requires, to do the duty of soldiers; and that the nourishment and education of the people is the best way to have good soldiers ready for use on any emergency? Compare the saying of Confucius in Analects XIII, xxx.
What is said on the second line, that the general 'has received the favour of Heaven,' refers of course to the entire confidence reposed in him by the ruler or king, the subject of line 5. In this way Thien here is equal to Thien wang, so frequent in the 'Spring and Autumn,' and meaning-King by the grace of
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