Treatise on the Symbolism of the Hexagrams, and of the duke i of Kâu's Explanations of the several Lines.
SECTION I. I. Heaven, in its motion, (gives the idea of) strength. The superior man, in accordance with this, nerves himself to ceaseless activity.
1. “The dragon lies hid in the deep;—it is not the time for active doing :'-(this appears from) the strong and undivided line's being in the lowest place.
2. "The dragon appears in the field :'—the diffusion of virtuous influence has been wide.
3. 'Active and vigilant all the day:'-(this refers to) the treading of the (proper) path over and over again.
4. 'He seems to be leaping up, but is still in the deep:'- if he advance, there will be no error.
5. "The dragon is on the wing in the sky: '— the great man rouses himself to his work.
6. •The dragon exceeds the proper limits; there will be occasion for repentance:'-a state of fulness, that is, should not be indulged in long.
7. The same undivided line is used' (in all the places of this hexagram), but the attribute of heaven (thereby denoted) should not (always) take the foremost place.
Like the Text under each hexagram, what is said under each in this treatise on its symbolism is divided into two portions. The
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