resolution before the Samgha: 'Let the venerable Samgha hear me. If the time seems meet to the Samgha, let the Samgha appoint that these five hundred Bhikkhus take up their residence during the rainy season at Râgagaha, to chant over together the Dhamma and the Vinaya, and that no other Bhikkhus go up to Ragagaha for the rainy season. This is the resolution. Let the venerable Samgha hear. The Samgha appoints accordingly. Whosoever of the venerable ones approves thereof, let him keep silence. Whosoever approves not thereof, let him speak. The Samgha has appointed accordingly. Therefore is it silent. Thus do I
5. So the Thera Bhikkhus went up to Râgagaha to chant over together the Dhamma and the Vinaya. And the Thera Bhikkhus thought: 'The Blessed One has spoken in praise of the repair of dilapidations. Let us, then, during the first month of the rainy season repair such dilapidations, and during the middle month let us chant over the Dhamma and the Vinaya together.' And during the first month they repaired dilapidation.
6. And the venerable Ânanda-thinking, ‘Tomorrow is the assembly, now it beseems me not to go into the assembly while I am still only on the way (towards Arahatship)'-spent the whole night with mind alert. And at the close of the night, intending to lie down, he inclined his body, but before his head reached the pillow, and while his feet were still far from the ground, in the interval he became
decisions would have been invalid through its being incompletely constituted (want of vaggatta).
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