X, 5, 1. ON THE DUTIES OF BHIKKHUNÍs. 329 Bhikkhunts which are applicable also to the Bhikkhus ?'
*Train yourselves, Gotami, therein in the same manner as the Bhikkhus do.'
* And what course, Lord, should we pursue in reference to those precepts for the Bhikkhunis which are not applicable also to the Bhikkhus ?'
'Train yourselves, Gotami, therein according to the substance thereof, as they are laid down.'
1. Now Maha-pagâpati the Gotamt went to the Blessed One [&c., as before), and said : May the Blessed One preach to me the Dhamma (truth, doctrine) in abstract; so that, having heard the doctrine of the Blessed One, I may remain alone and separate, earnest, zealous, and resolved".'
Of whatsoever doctrines thou shalt be conscious, Gotami, that they conduce to passion and not to peace, to pride and not to veneration, to wishing for much and not to wishing for little, to love of society and not to seclusion, to sloth and not to the exercise of zeal, to being hard to satisfy and not to content ? -verily mayest thou then, Gotami, bear in mind
1 These last words are the standing expression for the preparatory stage to Arahatship. Compare Mahâvagga I, 6, 16; Mahaparinibbâna Sutta V, 68. The whole speech frequently occurs in the Samyutta Nikâya at the commencement of conversations with the Buddha.
9 Most of these terms have already occurred in the standing religious discourse' which is related to have preceded the enunciation of so many of the rules for Bhikkhus (Kullavagga I, 2, 3).
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