profit, he should, Upáli, further consider thus : “While I am taking the conduct of this matter upon myself, shall I find that the Bhikkhus who are my intimates and associates are on my side in accordance with the Dhamma and the Vinaya, or shall I not ?" If that Bhikkhu, Upali, so considering, come to the conclusion that he will not, he should not, Upâli, take charge of it.
(Fifthly.) If that Bhikkhu, Upáli, so considering, come to the conclusion that he will find them so, he should further, U pâli, consider thus : “Whilst I am taking the conduct of this matter upon myself, will the Samgha, as a result thereof, fall into strife, quarrel, contention, or dispute, or will there arise a split in the Samgha, disunion in the Samgha, diversity of position in the Samgha, diversity of action in the Samgha"?" If that Bhikkhu, Upâli, so considering, come to the conclusion that that will happen, he should not take charge of it. But if that Bhikkhu, Upåli, thus considering, should come to the conclusion that that will not happen, he should take charge of it. The taking charge of a matter, Upâli, subject to these five conditions, will not give cause to subsequent remorse.'
1. 'When, Lord, a Bhikkhu who takes upon himself to warn another, is about to do so, of how many qualities should he consider whether they are within himself before he does so ?' (a) 'A Bhikkhu who warns another should, Upåli,
This list has occurred above, Mahavagga X, 1, 6; X, 5, 13 ; Kullavagga VII, 5, I.
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