IX, 3, 3.
which is legal. There are two ...., three ...., four (&c., up to) ten kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are illegal, and one, two (&c., up to) ten which are legal.
3. Which is the one kind of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which is illegal ? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for a breach of morality without ground. This is the one kind, &c.
And which is the one kind of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which is legal? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for a breach of morality with good ground. This is the one kind, &c.
"And which are the two kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are illegal ? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for a breach of morality, or for an offence against conduct, and each of them without ground. These are the two kinds, &c.
"And which are the two kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are legal? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for a breach of morality, and for an offence against conduct, and each of them with good ground. These are the two kinds, &c.
"And which are the three kinds, &c. ? (as the last two, adding “offence against doctrine."]
And which are the four kinds, &c.? [as the last, adding“ offence against the right mode of livelihood."]
. And which are the five kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are illegal ? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for a Pârâgika, or for a Samghadisesa, or for a Pakittiya, or for a Pâtidesaniya, or for a Dukkata, and each of them without ground. These are the five kinds, &c.
* And which are the five kinds of inhibition of the
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