VI, 2, 2.
I allow, O Bhikkhus, key-holes, and keys of three kinds-bronze keys, and keys of hard wood, and keys of horn.'
When anybody unlocked them, and entered, the Vihåras became unprotected.
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
I allow, O Bhikkhus, a yantaka, and a pin to it?' 2. Now at that time the Viharas were thatched; and in the cold season they were cold, and in the hot season hot.
They told this matter to the Blessed One. 'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to cover them (with skins) 3, and to plaster them within and without.'
Now at that time the Vihåras had no windows, and they were bad for the eyes, and had a disagreeable odour. They told this matter to the Blessed One.
I allow, O Bhikkhus, windows of three kindswindows made with railings“, windows made with network', and windows made with slips of wood 6.'
1 Ugghâtetvâ, an expression used in VIII, 1, 1 of undoing the bolt (ghalika) just referred to.
9 Yantakam sa kikam, which is the only expression here used which has not already occurred above at V, 14, 3. Buddhaghosa says, Yantaka-sûkikan ti ettha yam yam gânâti tam tam yantakam. Tassa vivara-sūkikam kuñkikam kâtum valtati.
See the note at V, 14, 3. . • Vedika-vâta pânam nama ketiye vedika-sadisam (B.). See our note on vedikâ above, V, 14, 2. These windows or lattices are mentioned in Kullavagga VIII, 1, 5; Mahâvagga I, 25, 18.
8 Gala-vâtapânam nama galaka-baddham (B.). Galam, literally .net,' is given as a word for 'window' at Abhidhânappadipikâ, verse 216. The expression probably corresponds to our 'lattice,' and does not mean that an actual net was used. Compare the Anglo-Indian ‘jalousie.'
Saláka-vâtapânam nâma thambhaka-vâtapânam (B.). Pos
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