VI, 1, 3.
Rågagaha saw those Bhikkhus coming in from this place and from that place, from the woods (&c., as in § 1, down to the end), and on seeing them he took pleasure therein. And the Setthi of Ragagaha went up to those Bhikkhus, and said to them:
'If, Sirs, I were to have dwellings erected for you, would you take up your abode in those dwellings ?'
Not so, O householder. Dwellings have not been allowed by the Blessed One.
Then, Sirs, ask the Blessed One about it, and let me know.
* Very well, O householder,' said they, in assent to the Setthi of Rågagaha. And they went up to the Blessed One, and saluted him, and took their seats on one side. And when they were so seated, they said to the Blessed One :
'The Setthi of Râgagaha, Lord, wishes to have dwellings erected for us. What, Lord, should be done ?'
Then the Blessed One, on that occasion and in that connection, when he had delivered a religious discourse, addressed the Bhikkhus, and said :
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, abodes of five kindsVihâras, Addhayogas, storied dwellings, attics, caves '
3. Then those Bhikkhus went up to the Setthi of Râgagaha, and said to him : *The Blessed One, Sir, has allowed us dwellings; do, therefore, what seemeth to thee good.' And the Setthi of Râgagaha had sixty dwelling-places put up in one day.
So also of Bimbisâra in the Gataka Commentary, I, 66. 3 Buddhaghosa's note on these pañka lenâni has already been given in our note above, Mahâvagga I, 30, 4.
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