1, 4.
die, would be enough to rob such joys of satisfaction; yet how much more in their own case (knowing this) would discontentment fill the mind; 305
(To know) such pleasures hasten to decay, and their bodies likewise; if, notwithstanding this, men yield to the power of love, their case indeed is like the very beasts. 306
And now you cite the names of many Rishis, who practised lustful ways in life; their cases likewise cause me sorrow, for in that they did these things, they perished. 307
'Again, you cite the name of that illustrious king, who freely gratified his passions, but he, in like way, perished in the act; know, then, that he was not a conqueror (Gina); 308
With smooth words to conceal an intrigue, and to persuade one's neighbour to consent, and by consenting to defile his mind; how can this be called a just device? 309
It is but to seduce one with a hollow lie, such ways are not for me to practise; or, for those who love the truth and honesty; for they are, forsooth, unrighteous ways, 310
"And such a disposition is hard to reverence ; shaping one's conduct after one's likings, liking this or that, and seeing no harm in it, what method of experience is this ! 311
A hollow compliance, and a protesting heart, such method is not for me to follow; but this I. know, old age, disease, and death, these are the great afflictions which accumulate, 312
*And overwhelm me with their presence; on these I find no friend to speak, alasalas! Udâyi! these, after all, are the great concerns; 313
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