24, 6; of the wicked, Dd. 24,
6n; 33, 2. Evil beings, Ap. 384. - one, Dd. 38, 7; 37, 102. - spirit, Dd. 2, 11; 3, 8; 7, 3; 19,
in; 85, 2; 37, 31 n, 31 n, 53, 83, 96, 120; 48, 1, 22; 84, 5n; 70, 2n; 72, 9n; Ep. 1, ii, in,
4; Ap. 437, 444. - spirits, Dd. 37, 66. - thoughts, words, and deeds, Dd.
2,6; 20, 2; 24,6; 25, 4; Ap.
384, 387. Exorcism, Ep. I, vi, 6; II, ii, 7; Ap.
443-444, 450 n, 454. Exposure of the dead, Dd. 15, 1-6;
16, 1-8; 17, 1-20; 18, 1-4. Farhank, woman, Dd. 48, 33. Farmâdâr, Int. 13; Dd. On. See
Director. Farmân sin, Dd. 40, 40; 79, (9 n.) Farukhůzâd, priest, Int. 37; Dd. 88,
8; Ep. I, iii, 9. Fastening corpses to the ground, Dd.
17, 17; 18, 2. Fathom, meas., Ap. 433 n, 447. Female things, see Male. Fever demon, Dd. 23, 3. Fiend, a, Dd. 37, 49, 120; 94, 1;
- of corruption, Dd. 17, 7n; Ap. 436 n, 437-442, 444, 445, 450 n, 454 ; - the (archfiend), Dd. 1, 3, 6, 14; 2, 5, 7, 11; 3, 7, 19; 7, 3; 22, 4; 31, 8; 32, 7,12; 87, 7, 12, 13, 14 n, 17-20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 37, 44, 50, 59, 64-67, 72, 75-77, 79, 81, 83, 93, 99, 111, 112, 114, 116 n, 123; 39, 16; 42, 6; 48, 24; 75, 3, 4; 77, 2, 8, 10n; 91, 8; 84, 8n; Ep. 1, ii, 2, 4, 5, 13; V, 3; Ap. 395; - the (inferior), Dd. 32,
11; 30, 28; 94, 2; Ap. 395. Fiends, Dd. 19, 7; 32, 12; 87, 61,
74, 80, 84, 106; 39,13; 48, 27, 37; 86, 7; 94, 4; Ap. 417; coupled with demons, Dd. 2, 13; 18, 8; 87, 2; 37, 44, 55, 57, 97, 104, 108; 39, 13, 14; 48, 1; 72, 10; 94, 3, 4; Ap.
384. Fifty-seven years' preparation for
resurrection, Dd. 88, 5, 7 n. Finger-breadth, meas., Ap. 433, 434,
439, 445, 447, 450.
Fire angel, Ap. 372-374, 376, 377,
379, 380, 393 n, 443. - for ceremonies, Dd. 88, 5; 48,
1, 2, 5; 48, 15, 21, 23; 78, 19; 88, 6; Ep. I, viii, 1-3; II, i,
17; Ap. 417, 432, 433. - priest, Dd. 84, 3, 4.
stand, Dd. 48, 15. temple, Dd. 81, 17 n. See Abode.
to protect infants, Dd. 88, 20. - wood, Dd. 43, 6; 48, 15; Ep.
II, ix, 3; Ap. 417. Firmament, Dd. 91, an. Foot, meas., Dd. 43, 5; Ap. 433 n,
434, 436, 448. Foreign conquerors, Ap. 409 n, 429;
- faith, Dd. 41, 1, 3; 42, 1, 3; Ap. 405n; - habits, Dd. 78, 8, 9; Ep. IL, I, 17; - woman,
Dd. 78, 8, 15. Foreigners, Dd. 41, 30, 60; 50, 1,
4; 63, 1, 2, 5. Fourth day after death, Dd. 81, 15. - night after death, Dd. 11, 1;
13, 1. Fradadafsh, region, Dd. 86, 5. Frâdad-gadman, man, Dd. 38, 4, 5. - bvareno, man, Dd. 36, 4 n. Frâdakhsto, chief, Dd. 90, 3, 8 R. Frashakard, see Renovation. Frâsîyâv, king, Dd. 70, 3; 90, 3 . Frasnatee, Av., Ep. II, iii, 3. Fravak, man, Dd. 37, 35. Fravarấnê, Av., Ap. 448. Fravardigån, rite, Dd. 44, 2 0. Fravardin, month, Dd. 49, 7 D. Fravashi, Av., Dd. 2, 5n. See
Guardian spirit. Frâyar (morning), Dd. 48, 26. Frédan, king, Bd. 2, 10; 37, 35,
80, 97; 65, 5. Frøbak fire, Ap. 373 D. Frog, origin of, Ap. 419. Fryân, man, Dd. 90, 3; Ap. 411 R. Furrows, Ep. III, 6; Ap. 4330,
434, 436, 437 n, 4450, 446,448,
449, 452, 454. Future existence, Dd. , 13 ; 14,
6; 82, 2; Ap. 382.
Gaêvani, man, Dd. 36, 3 D. Gåh, see Period of the day. Gâbanbârs, Dd. 44, 2n. See Sea.
son-festivals. Gandarep, monster, Ap. 370, 371,
374-376, 381, 419.
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