me may be near you; and it was like the production of some one for the tearing and rending of his own limbs, and for the purpose of bringing on that remedy—the burning, torturing medicine that is religious ?—whose purpose is to remain away from the steadfast while abiding by the commands of religion. 2. This same epistle 2, which was one of very great incompleteness, and one as it were thinking very severely, was similar to the decision (azad 3) to which I have come on the same subject, which is written of below and again ; and accompanying this epistle was a man of my own with a further epistle 4. 3. I am discharging (vigârako) my own duty as regards it', where I so arrange affairs of every kind which it is possible for me to complete for a period of three months, and come myself to where you are, and that mastery (kirih) which is prepared is again arranged when it is wanted by them?
4. You have already become a reserver (khamosidår) and rapid preparer of the adaptation of words in which cogency exists, and have clearly explained
* Probably meaning remorse.'
* Ep. I. Chald. TIN, referring to his general mandate (Ep. III) mentioned again in Chap. VIII, 1.
• The temporary epistle to Zåd-sparam (mentioned in Ep. I, xi, 1, 5), of which no copy has been preserved.
o begins as follows:-And I will come later on and more combatively, when it is requisite for the sacred beings (or for them); I am also myself in possession of an opportunity as regards it.'
This period for his visit to Sîrkân is also mentioned in Ep. I, xi, 4.
? Or by the sacred beings;' the words yasdan and sân being written alike.
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