21. About upholders of religion, and a more particular rule how the lawful computation should be for glorifying with moderation, a chief of the priests' has spoken thus : 'Shouldst thou be our father in wealthiness, I am thy protector in body, and thou becomest thy protector in soul'
22. The same collection is the way of the friends of religion for begging from the upholders of reli ion the preservation of the soul, and for well considering, extremely gracefully and fully reverently, the advantage and pleasure of the position of the upholders of religion, so that they shall properly collect for the preservation of souls by the mode of going to collect thoroughly with great gain.
Chapter XLV. 1. The forty-fourth question is that which you ask thus: Of priesthood (aêrpatih) or discipleship (hâ vistih) which is the priest's duty (aêrpatih), and which the disciple's; which is that which it is necessary to have in priesthood, and which in discipleship?
called the soul's own religion' in AV. IV, 23; it is, therefore, that spirit's assistance which is probably meant here, when speaking of religion saving the soul.
"A môbad of môbads.
• Meaning that the wealthy man can easily protect his own soul by a proper expenditure of his wealth on good works. The connection of this with the first part of the sentence is rather obscure.
: Mentioned in $$ 17, 18.
• In heaven (see $ 20). To induce the laity to collect ample property for paying the priesthood they are promised a share of the priest's happiness in heaven.
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