6. Yet (other reasons) why he recites with 'hither (a)' and 'thither (pra),' are these. "Thither' the seed is cast, and 'hither' birth takes place. Thither? the cattle disperse (for grazing), hither' they return. Indeed, everything here (moves)‘hither' and 'thither:' for this reason he recites with 'a' and 'pra.'
7. He recites", 'Forth go your viands, heaven
1 The following is a connected translation (as literal as possible, if not elegant) of the eleven sâmidhenis, or kindling verses, in the same octosyllabic metre as the original. The first and eleventh verses are recited three times; and when at the end of each verse the Hotri pronounces the syllable om, the Adhvaryu throws a stick (samidh) into the fire,-up to the eighth verse, at the end of which the tenth stick is thrown in. At the end of the ninth verse five of the remaining six sticks are thrown into the fire. The throwing of the first stick is accompanied by the sacrificer pronouncing the dedicatory formula (tyâga), 'For Agni this, not for me!'
1. Forth go your viands, heavenward,
In havis rich; with buttered (spoon) He nears the gods, wishful of bliss. Come hither, Agni, to the feast; Invoked for the offering-gift, As Hotri on the barhis sit! With samidhs thee, O Angiras, With butter we exhilarate :
Shine forth, O youngest, brilliantly! 4. Agni, do thou obtain for us
That region wide and glorious,
That great and mighty one, O God! 5. Praiseworthy he, adorable,
Visible through the veil of gloom, Agni, the mighty one, is lit. The mighty Agni is lit up, Yea, as a horse that bears the gods :
With offerings him they glorify. 7. O mighty one! we mighty men
Do kindle thee, the mighty one, O Agni, thee that brightly shines.
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