towards the east: and this lady would, therefore, raise herself to her (Aditi), and would speedily go to yonder world. And thus (viz. by sitting in the prescribed way) she lives for a long time, thus she propitiates her (Aditi), and thus the latter harms her not. For this reason let her sit somewhat to the south.
18. She looks down upon the sacrificial butter 1; for assuredly that wife is a woman, and the butter (represents) seed: hence a productive union is thereby brought about. For this reason she looks towards the butter.
19. She looks, with the text (Vág. S. I, 30), With an unimpaired eye I look on thee;' whereby she says, 'with an uninjured eye I look on thee.'Agni's tongue art thou!' for when they offer up that (butter) in the fire, then Agni's tongues, as it were, issue forth: therefore she says, 'Agni's tongue art thou!'-'A good callers of the gods,' whereby she says, 'well for the gods ;'-—'be thou for every dainty (or, sacrificial site, dhâman), for every prayer of mine!' whereby she says, 'for every sacrifice of mine be thou (a good caller)!
20. Having then taken up the butter (from the
· He takes the pot containing the clarified butter from the fire, with the text (Våg. S. I, 30): 'For juice thee !' (see I, 2, 2, 6,] puts it down on the ground before the sacrificer's wife and bids her look down on it. Kâty. II, 7, 4.
i SuhQh. The Kanva recension and Taitt. S. I, 1, 10, 3 have subha h, well-being, good,' which reading seems also to be presupposed by our author's explanation 'well (or good) for the gods. The Black Yagus assigns this entire mantra to the Adhvaryu, when he has taken the butter from the Ahavaniya, and puts it down north of the altar. In other respects also it differs considerably from the order followed by our author.
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