fire on the east, there was no (means of) escaping: he then hid himself among the roots of plants.
9. The gods said: 'What has become of Vishnu ? What has become of the sacrifice?' They said: 'On all (three) sides he is enclosed by the metres, with Agni to the east, there is no (way of) escaping: search for him in this very place!' By slightly digging they accordingly searched for him. They discovered him at a depth of three inches (or thumb's breadths): therefore the altar should be three inches deep; and therefore also Pâñki1 made the altar for the Soma-sacrifice three inches deep.
10. This, however, one must not do. Among the roots of the plants he (Vishnu) hid himself: therefore let him (the Adhvaryu) bid (the Agnidhra) to cut out the roots of the plants. And since they found (anu-vid) Vishnu in that place, therefore it is called vedi (altar).
11. When they had found him, they enclosed him with a second enclosure, saying (Vâg. S. I, 27), 'Of good soil art thou, and auspicious art thou!' on the south side; for when they had thus obtained this earth they made it of good soil and auspicious;'Pleasant art thou, and soft to sit upon!' they said on the west side, for when they had thus obtained this earth, they made it pleasant and soft to sit upon;-'Abounding in food and drink art thou!' they said on the north side, for when they had thus obtained this earth, they made it abounding in food and drink.
1 This teacher is mentioned again, Sat. Br. II, 1, 4, 27, along with two others, viz. Âsuri and Mâdhuki, but nothing further is known of him. According to the Black Yagus the altar is made four (not three) angulas deep.
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