a copulation productive of offspring is thereby effected. And in this way alone a regular copulation can take place, since the woman lies on the left (or north) side of the man.
21. Let nobody pass between the water (and the fire), lest by passing between them he should disturb the copulation which is taking place. Let him set the water down without carrying it beyond (the north side of the fire, i. e. not on the eastern side); nor should he put it down before reaching (the north side, i. e. not on the western side). For, if he were to put the water down after carrying it beyond, there being, as it were, a great rivalry between fire and water, he would cause this rivalry to break forth on the part of the fire; and when they (the priests and the sacrificer) touch the water of this (vessel), he would, by carrying it and setting it down beyond (the northern side), cause the enemy to rise (spirt) in the fire. If, on the other hand, he were to put it down before gaining (the northern side), he would not gain by it the fulfilment of the wish for which it has been brought forward. Let him therefore put it down exactly north of the Âhavaniya fire.
22. He now strews sacrificial grass all round (the fires)', and fetches the utensils, taking two at a
'brought forward.' On putting it down north of the Âhavanîya, he covers the jug over with sacrificial grass.
1 Kâty. Sr. II, 3, 6: Having strewn sacrificial grass around the fires, beginning on the east side,' which the Comm. interprets: 'He strews eastward and northward-pointed grass around first the Âhavanîya, then the Gârhapatya, and last the Dakshinâgni, beginning each time on the eastern side, and then moving around from left to right, and turning his right side towards the fire, so as to end on the north side' (cf. Kâty. IV, 13, 15). The Paddhati, on
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