THE WISE MAN (PANDITA). 76. If you see an intelligent man who tells you where true treasures are to be found, who shows what is to be avoided, and administers reproofs, follow that wise man; it will be better, not worse, for those who follow him..
77. Let him admonish, let him teach, let him forbid what is improper !—he will be beloved of the good, by the bad he will be hated.
78. Do not have evil-doers for friends, do not \ have low people for friends : have virtuous people for friends, have for friends the best of men.
79. He who drinks in the law lives happily with a serene mind : the sage rejoices always in the law, as preached by the elect (Ariyas).
80. Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like); fletchers bend the arrow; carpenters bend a log of wood; wise people fashion themselves. v
78. It is hardly possible to take mitte kalyâne in the technical sense of kalyana-mitra, "ein geistlicher Rath,' a spiritual guide. Burnouf (Introd. p. 284) shows that in the technical sense kalyanamitra was widely spread in the Buddhist world.
79. Ariya, 'elect, venerable,' is explained by the commentator as referring to Buddha and other teachers.
80. See verses 33 and 145, the latter being a mere repetition of our verse. The nettikas, to judge from the commentary and from the general purport of the verse, are not simply water-carriers, but builders of canals and aqueducts, who force the water to go where it would not go by itself. The Chinese translator says, 'the pilot manages his ship.' See Beal, 1. c. p. 79.
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