1. Thus have I heard. The Blessed One was once staying at Savatthi, at the Getavana, in Anâtha Pindika's park.
There the Blessed One addressed the brethren, and said, 'Bhikkhus.'
• Yea, Lord !' said those brethren, in assent, to the Blessed One.
Then the Blessed One spake:
2. 'I will teach you, O brethren, the lesson of the subjugation of all the Asavas. Listen well, and attend, and I will speak!'
Even so, Lord!' said the brethren, in assent, to the Blessed One.
Then the Blessed One spake :
'I say that there is destruction of the Asavas, brethren, to him who knows, to him who sees; not to him who knows not, to him who sees not. And what do I say, brethren, is the destruction of the Âsavas to him who knows, to him who sees ? It is (a matter of) wise consideration, and of foolish consideration.
3. 'In him, brethren, who considers unwisely, Âsavas which have not arisen spring up, and Âsavas which have arisen are increased. In him, brethren, who considers wisely, Asavas which have not arisen
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