12. 'The Great King of Glory, Ânanda, had four and eighty thousand cities, the chief of which was the royal city of Kusâvati :
Four and eighty thousand palaces, the chief of which was the Palace of Righteousness :
Four and eighty thousand chambers, the chief of which was the chamber of the Great Complex:
Four and eighty thousand divans, of gold, and silver, and ivory, and sandal wood, spread with long-haired rugs, and cloths embroidered with flowers, and magnificent antelope skins; covered with lofty canopies; and provided at both ends with purple cushions :
'Four and eighty thousand state elephants, with trappings of gold, and gilded flags, and golden coverings of network,-of which the king of elephants, called “the Changes of the Moon," was chief:
Four and eighty thousand state horses, with trappings of gold, and gilded flags, and golden coverings of network,-of which "Thunder-cloud," the king of horses, was the chief:
'Four and eighty thousand chariots, with coverings of the skins of lions, and of tigers, and of panthers, of which the chariot called “the Flag of Victory" was the chief :
Four and eighty thousand gems, of which the Wondrous Gem was the chief:
'Four and eighty thousand wives, of whom the Queen of Glory was the chief:
the state of feeling described in the Ghầnas; but they ought to be the constant companions of a good Buddhist (see Khaggavisâna Sutta 8; and compare also Tevigga Sutta III, 7; Gâtaka, vol. i. p. 246; and the Araka Gataka, No. 169).
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