army, horses, and chariots, and elephants, and men. And in whatever place, Ânanda, the Wheel stopped, there the Great King of Glory took up his abode, and with him his army, horses, and chariots, and elephants, and men.
15. 'Then, Ânanda, all the rival kings in the region of the East came to the Great King of Glory and said:
Come, O mighty king! Welcome, O mighty king! All is thine, O mighty king! Do thou, O mighty king, be a Teacher to us!"
16. Thus spake the Great King of Glory :
"Ye shall slay no living thing.
"Ye shall not take that which has not been given.
"Ye shall not act wrongly touching the bodily desires.
"Ye shall speak no lie.
"Ye shall drink no maddening drink.
Ye shall eat as ye have eaten 1."
17. ‘Then, Ânanda, all the rival kings in the region of the East became subject unto the Great King of Glory.
18. But the wondrous Wheel, Ânanda, having plunged down into the great waters in the East, rose up out again, and rolled onward to the region of the South [and there all happened as had hap
is the case in the one or two other passages where I have met with this phrase.
1 Yathâbhuttam bhungatha. Buddhaghosa has no comment on this. I suppose it means, 'Observe the rules current among you regarding clean and unclean meats.' If so, the Great King of Glory disregards the teaching of the Âmagandha Sutta, quoted in 'Buddhism,' p. 131.
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