1. Thus have I heard. The Blessed One was once dwelling at Sâvatthi, in the park of Anâtha
There the Blessed One addressed the brethren, saying, 'Brethren !'
'Yea, Lord!' said those brethren, in assent, to the Blessed One.
Then the Blessed One spake:
2. 'Whatsoever brother, O Bhikkhus, has not quite become free from the five kinds of spiritual barrenness1, has not altogether broken through the five kinds of mental bondage-that such a one should reach up to the full advantage of, should attain to the full growth in, to full breadth in, this doctrine and discipline 3-that can in no wise be !'
3. 'And who has not become free from the five kinds of spiritual barrenness?'
'In the first place, O Bhikkhus, when a brother
1 Рañka ketokhilâ. Pañka ketaso vinibandhâ.
Dhamma-vinaye. On the disputed question as to whether this compound is a Dvanda or not, see Dr. Oldenberg, Mahâ Vagga, p. x. M. Léon Feer (Études Bouddhiques,' p. 203) has taken it as Tatpurusha; and it would be hazardous to say that it is never used as such. Here I think it is a Dvandva.
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