opposition.” “The planets will be in conjunction." “The planets will be in opposition.” “There will be falling meteors, and fiery coruscations in the atmosphere.” “There will be earthquakes, thunderbolts, and forked lightnings.” “The rising and setting of the sun, moon, or planets will be cloudy or clear.” And then: "The eclipse of the moon will have such and such a result.” “The eclipse of the sun will have such and such a result.” “The eclipse of the moon will have such and such a result.” “The sun and the moon being in conjunction will have such and such a result.” “The sun and the moon being in opposition will have such and such a result.” “The planets being in conjunction will have such and such a result.” “The planets being in opposition will have such and such a result.” “The falling meteors and fiery coruscations in the atmosphere will have such and such a result.” “The earthquakes, thunderbolts, and forked lightnings will have such and such a result.” “The rising and setting of the sun, moon, or planets, cloudy or clear, will have such and such a result."
'He, on the other hand, refrains from seeking a livelihood by such low arts, by such lying practices.
"This, too, (&c., see S II, 2.)
5. Or whereas some Samana-Brâhmans, who live on the food provided by the faithful, continue to gain a livelihood by such low arts and such lying practices as these : that is to say, by predicting
"“There will be an abundant rainfall.” “There will be a deficient rainfall.” “There will be an abundant harvest.” “There will be famine." "There will be tranquillity.” “There will be disturbances.” “The season will be sickly.” “The season will be healthy."
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