This, too, (&c., see S II, 2.) 4. Or whereas some Samana-Brâhmans, who live on the food provided by the faithful, continue addicted to occupying their time with games detrimental to their progress in virtue: that is to say, with a board of sixty-four squares, or of one hundred squares ; tossing up; hopping over diagrams formed on the ground; removing substances from a heap without shaking the remainder ; dicing; trapball; sketching rude figures; tossing balls; blowing trumpets; ploughing matches ; tumbling; forming mimic windmills; guessing at measures; chariot races; archery; shooting marbles from the fingers ; guessing other people's thoughts; and mimicking other people's acts. He, on the other hand, refrains from such games detrimental to virtue.
'This, too, (&c., see § II, 2.)
5. 'Or whereas some Samana-Brâhmans, who live on the food provided by the faithful, continue addicted to the use of elevated and ornamented couches or things to recline upon : that is to say, of large couches; ornamented beds; coverlets with long fleece; embroidered counterpanes; woollen coverlets, plain or worked with thick flowers; cotton coverlets, worked with knots, or dyed with figures of animals; fleecy carpets; carpets inwrought with gold or with silk ; far-spreading carpets; rich elephant housings, trappings, or harness; rugs for chariots; skins of the tiger or antelope ; and pillows or cushions ornamented with gold lace or embroidery. He, on the other hand, refrains from the use of such elevated or ornamented couches or things to recline upon. *This, too, (&c., see g II, 2.)
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