CHAPTER I. 1. This have I heard. At one time when the Blessed One was journeying through Kosala with a great company of the brethren, with about five hundred brethren, he came to the Brâhman village in Kosala which is called Manasákata. And there at Manasâkata the Blessed One stayed in the mango grove, on the bank of the river Akiravati, to the south of Manasákata ?.
2. Now at that time many very distinguished and wealthy Brahmans were staying at Manasâkatato wit, Kanki the Brâhman, Târukkha the Brâhman, Pokkharasâti the Brâhman, Gânussoni the Brâhman, Todeyya the Brâhman, and other very distinguished and wealthy Brâhmans 2.
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1 Burnouf, in a long note at 'Lotus, &c., p. 491, already attempted to show that the river Akiravati is the same as the modern Rapti, which he supposed to be a corruption of the latter part of the longer name. Hiouen Thsang mentions a river A-chilo-fa-ti, which is doubtless the same. It is evidently the river on which stood the town of Savatthi, and near to which lay the Getavana monastery (see Buddhist Birth Stories,' p. 331); and it must therefore, in accordance with Burnouf's conjecture, be the Rapti, which is the Sanskrit Irâvati. The Phayre Burmese MS. has almost always A kîravati. * Buddhaghosa says that
· Kanki lived at Opasada,
Târukkha lived at Ikkhagala,
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