57. And the Mallas of Pâvâ heard the news that the Blessed One had died at Kusinârâ.
Then the Mallas of Pâvâ sent a messenger to the Mallas, saying, 'The Blessed One belonged to the soldier caste, and we too are of the soldier caste. We are worthy to receive a portion of the relics of the Blessed One. Over the remains of the Blessed One will we put up a sacred cairn, and in their honour will we celebrate a feast!'
58. When they heard these things the Mallas of Kusinârâ spoke to the assembled brethren, saying, *The Blessed One died in our village domain. We will not give away any part of the remains of the Blessed One!
59. When they had thus spoken, Dona the Brâhman addressed the assembled brethren, and said: 'Hear, reverend sirs, one single word from me. Forbearance was our Buddha wont to teach. Unseemly is it that over the division Of the remains of him who was the best of
beings Strife should arise, and wounds, and war! Let us all, sirs, with one accord unite In friendly harmony to make eight portions. Wide spread let Thapas rise in every land That in the Enlightened One mankind may trust!' 60. 'Do thou then, O Brâhman, thyself divide the remains of the Blessed One equally into eight parts, with fair division ?
Be it so, sir!' said Dona, in assent, to the assem
* Here again the commentator expands and adds to the comparatively simple version of the text.
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