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27. Then the Mallas of Kusinârâ thought: "It is much too late to burn the body of the Blessed One to-day. Let us now perform the cremation to-morrow.' And in paying honour, reverence, respect, and homage to the remains of the Blessed One with dancing, and hymns, and music, and with garlands and perfumes; and in making canopies of their garments, and preparing decoration wreaths to hang thereon, they past the second day too, and then the third day, and the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth day also.
28. Then on the seventh day the Mallas of Kusinârâ thought:
Let us carry the body of the Blessed One, by the south and outside, to a spot on the south, and outside of the city,-paying it honour, and reverence, and respect, and homage, with dance and song and music, with garlands and perfumes,—and there, to the south of the city, let us perform the cremation ceremony!'
29. And thereupon eight chieftains among the Mallas bathed their heads, and clad themselves in new garments with the intention of bearing the body of the Blessed One. But, behold, they could not lift it up!
30. Then the Mallas of Kusinârâ said to the venerable Anuruddha : 'What, Lord, can be the reason, what can be the cause that eight chieftains of the Mallas who have bathed their heads, and clad themselves in new garments with the intention
is beautiful, would be wreaths of flowers, or single lotuses, hanging from the roof, or stretched along the sides.
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