21. 'And there will come, Ânanda, to such spots, believers, brethren and sisters of the order, or devout men and devout women, and will say, “Here was the Tathagata born!” or, “Here did the Tathâgata attain to the supreme and perfect insight!" or, “Here was the kingdom of righteousness set on foot by the Tathậgata !" or, “Here the Tathậgata passed away in that utter passing away which leaves nothing whatever to remain behind !"
22. ‘And they, Ananda, who shall die while they, with believing heart, are journeying on such pilgrimage, shall be reborn after death, when the body shall dissolve, in the happy realms of heaven.'
به شهام، با
23. How are we to conduct ourselves, Lord, with regard to womankind?'
Don't see them, Ânanda.
But if we should see them, what are we to do?' *Abstain from speech, Ânanda.?
But if they should speak to us, Lord, what are we to do?'
“Keep wide awake, Ananda.'
24. What are we to do, Lord, with the remains of the Tathagata ?'
Hinder not yourselves, Ânanda, by honouring the remains of the Tathagata. Be zealous, I beseech you, Ânanda, in your own behalf! Devote yourselves to your own good! Be earnest, be zealous, be intent on your own good! There are wise men, Ânanda, among the nobles, among the Brâhmans, among the heads of houses, who are firm believers in the Tathagata ; and they will do due honour to the remains of the Tathagata.'
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