Banyan tree of Gotama ; how pleasant the Robbers' Cliff; how pleasant the Sattapanni cave on the slope of Mount Vebhâra ; how pleasant the Black Rock on the slope of Mount Isigili ; how pleasant the mountain cave Sappasondika in the Sitavana Grove; how pleasant the Tapoda Grove; how pleasant the Squirrels' Feeding Ground in the Bambu Grove; how pleasant Givaka's Mango Grove; how pleasant the Deer Forest at Maddakukkhi!
59. ““Whosoever, Ânanda, has thought out and developed, practised, accumulated, and ascended to the very heights of the four paths to saintship, and so mastered them as to be able to use them as a means of (mental) advancement and as a basis for edification-he, should he desire it, could remain in the same birth for a kalpa, or for that portion of a kalpa which has yet to run.” Now the Tathậgata has thought out and thoroughly practised them [in all respects as just now fully described], and might, should he desire it, remain alive for a kalpa, or for that portion of a kalpa which has yet to run.'
60. On one occasion, Ananda, I was residing here at Vesali at the Udena Ketiya. And there too, Ananda, I spoke to thee, and said: "How pleasant, Ânanda, is Vesâli; how pleasant the Udena Ketiya. Whosoever, Ânanda, has thought out and developed, practised, accumulated, and ascended to the very heights of the four paths to saintship, and so mastered them as to be able to use them as a means of (mental) advancement and as a basis for edification-he, should he desire it, could remain in the same birth for a kalpa, or for that portion of a kalpa which has yet to run.” Now the Tathâgata has thought out and thoroughly practised
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