So long as the brethren shall exercise themselves in the sevenfold higher wisdom, that is to say, in mental activity, search after truth, energy, joy, peace, earnest contemplation, and equanimity of mind, so long may the brethren be expected not to decline, but to prosper.
'So long as these conditions shall continue to exist among the brethren, so long as they are instructed in these conditions, so long may the brethren be expected not to decline, but to prosper.'
10. Other seven conditions of welfare will I teach you, O brethren. Listen well, and attend, and I will speak.'
And on their expressing their assent, he spake as follows:
'So long as the brethren shall exercise themselves in the sevenfold perception due to earnest thought, that is to say, the perception of impermanency, of non-individualitył, of corruption, of the danger of sin, of sanctification, of purity of heart, of Nirvana, so long may the brethren be expected not to decline, but to prosper.
So long as these conditions shall continue to exist among the brethren, so long as they are instructed in these conditions, so long may the brethren be expected not to decline, but to prosper.'
11. 'Six conditions of welfare will I teach you, O brethren. Listen well, and attend, and I will speak.'
And on their expressing their assent, he spake as follows:
1 For a further explanation of the meaning of anattam see Gotama's second discourse in the Maha Vagga I, 6: 38-47. Buddhaghosa makes no special comment here on either of the seven perceptions.
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