The figures of this Index refer to the pages of the Translation, and
the numerals to the Introduction.
Assamedha, horse-sacrifice, 50. Assembly of Bhikkhus, 52, 66, 80,
85, 94, 117, 132. Asuddhadhamma, impure, 170. Asura demon, 51, 125. Athabbana-veda, 176. Attadandasutta, 177. Atata hell, 121. Aviggâ, ignorance, xv, 134.
Ababu hell, 121. Abbuda hell, 121, 122. Å dikka family, 8, 69, 93, 174, 210. Aggâlava temple, 57. Aggika-Bhâradvâga brâhmana, 20. Agâniya, high-bred, 92. Agita - Kesakambali titthakara, xii,
86. Agita mânava, xii, 188, 190. Àgivika brâhmana, xiii, 63. Ahaha hell, 121. Ahâra, food? 139. Akhila, free from harshness, 78. Akiñkana, possessionless, xii. Alwis, 20, 108. Alaka city, 184, 188. Alavaka yakkha, 29. Âlayî city, 29, 31, 57. Alavi-Gotama, 213. Âmagandha brâhmana, 40. Anâgâmin, who does not return, 132,
133. Anathapindika, I7, 20, 43, 48, 62,
118. Anguttarâpa country, 96, 99. Anupâdisesa, not having the upâdis
remaining, 167. Anuvidita, well-informed, 91. Aññatitthiyapubba, 95. Â pana city, 96, 99. Appamâda, 55. Arahat, saint, 15, 80. Arambha, exertion, 139. Arati, daughter of Mâra, 159. Ariya, noble, 92, 122. Ariyamagga, the noble way, 150. Ascetic, xv. Ascetic life, xv, 67. Asipattavana hell, 124. Asita isi, 125. Asoka, inscriptions of, xii. Assaka kingdom, 184.
Bamboo tree, 6. Bâvari brâhmana, xii, 184. Belief, religious, 3. Bhadrâvudha mânava, xiii, 205, 213. Bhâradväga mânava, xiii, 108. Bhovadi, 113 Bimbisâra, king, 67, 99. Bodhisatta, 125. Body, xvi. Bracelets, 7. Brahmabandhu, 40. Brahman, 14, 23, 30, 45, 78, 117,
142, 189. Brâhmanadhammikasutta, 47. Brahman Sahampati, 119. Brahma world, 23, 84, 90, 96, 208. Buddha, his relation to philosophy,
xii; sprung from the Samanas,
xiv; his titles, xv. Buddhistic formula, xiii.
Cows are slain, xiii.
Dakkhinagiri, 11. Dakkhinâpatha, 184. Dasaratha-Gâtaka, 106. Davids, T.W. Rhys, 66, 75, 131. Deity, 17, 43, 86, 186. Desire, xv. Deva, god, 45, 51, 52, 75, 94, 125,
126, 142, 189. Dhammakariyasutta, 46.
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