17. PINGIYAMÅNAVAPUKKHÂ. 1. 'I am old, feeble, colourless,'—so said the venerable Pingiya, — my eyes are not clear, my hearing is not good; lest I should perish a fool on the way, tell me the Dhamma, that I may know how to leave birth and decay in this world.
(1119) 2. 'Seeing others afflicted by the body,–0 Pingiya,' so said Bhagavat,- (seeing) heedless people suffer in their bodies ;—therefore, O Pingiya, shalt thou be heedful, and leave the body behind, that thou mayest never come to exist again.'
(1120) 3. Pingiya : 'Four regions, four intermediate regions, above and below, these are the ten regions ; there is nothing which has not been seen, heard, or thought by thee, and (is there) anything in the world not understood (by thee)? Tell (me) the Dhamma, that I may know how to leave birth and decay in this world.'
(1121) 4. 'Seeing men seized with desire, -O Pingiya,' so said Bhagavat, — tormented and overcome by decay, - therefore thou, O Pingiya, shalt be heedful, and leave desire behind, that thou mayest never come to exist again.'
(1122) Pingiyamânavapukkha is ended.
This said Bhagavat, living in Magadha at Pâsânaka Ketiya (the Rock Temple). Sought by sixteen Brâhmanas, the followers (of Bâvari, and) questioned by each of them in turn, he responded to the questions. If a man, having understood the meaning and tenor of each question, lives according to the Dhamma, then he will go to the further shore of decay and death, for these Dhammas lead to the [10]
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