1. 'To Buddha who is sitting meditating, free from pollution,'-—so said the venerable Udaya,— 'having performed his duty, who is without passion, accomplished in all things (dhamma), I have come with a question; tell me the deliverance by knowledge, the splitting up of ignorance.' (1 104)
2. (It consists in) leaving lust and desire,-O Udaya,' so said Bhagavat,-'and both (kinds of) grief, and driving away sloth, and warding off misbehaviour. (1105)
3. The deliverance by knowledge which is purified by equanimity and thoughtfulness and preceded by reasoning on Dhamma I will tell thee, the splitting up of ignorance'.' (1106)
4. Udaya: What is the bond of the world, what is its practice? By the leaving of what is Nibbâna said to be 2?' (1107) 5. Buddha: 'The world is bound by pleasure, reasoning is its practice; by the leaving of desire Nibbâna is said to be.' (1 108) 6. Udaya: 'How does consciousness cease in him that wanders thoughtful? Having come to ask thee, let us hear thy words.'
1 Upekhâsatisamsuddham Dhammatakkapuregavam Aññâvimokham pabrumi Aviggâya pabhedanam. 2 Kim su samyogano loko, Kim su tassa vikâranâ Kiss' assa vippahânena Nibbânam iti vukkati?
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