3. Upasiva: 'He whose passion for all sensual pleasures has departed, having resorted to nothingness, after leaving everything else, and being delivered in the highest deliverance by knowledge, will he remain there without proceeding further??' (1070)
4. 'He whose passion for all sensual pleasures has departed,-0 Upasiva,' so said Bhagavat, having resorted to nothingness after leaving everything else, and being delivered in the highest deliverance by knowledge, he will remain there without proceeding further.'
5. Upasiva: 'If he remains there without proceeding further for a multitude of years, O thou all-seeing one, (and if) he becomes there tranquil and delivered, will there be consciousness for such a one ? ?'
(1072) 6. 'As a flame blown about by the violence of the wind,-0 Upasiva, so said Bhagavat,—'goes out, cannot be reckoned (as existing), even so a Muni, delivered from name and body, disappears, and cannot be reckoned (as existing) *.' (1073)
7. Upastva : 'Has he (only) disappeared, or does he not exist (any longer), or is he for ever free
1 Sabbesu kâmesu yo vítarâgo
Âkiñkaññam nissito hitva-m-aññam Saññâvimokhe parame vimutto
Titthe nu so tattha anânuyâyî. 3 Titthe ke so tattha anânuyâyî
Pagam pi vassânam samantakakkhu Tatth' eva so síti siyâ vimutto
Bhavetha viññanam tathâvidhassa ? 3 Akkî yathâ vâtavegena khitto
Attham paleti na upeti samkham Evam munî nâmakâyâ vimutto Attham paleti na upeti samkham.
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