4. Whatever streams there are in the world, -O Agita,' so said Bhagavat, —'thoughtfulness is their dam, thoughtfulness I call the restraint of the streams, by understanding they are shut off.' (1035)
5. Both understanding and thoughtfulness,'--SO said the venerable Agita, —'and name and shape", O venerable man,-asked about this by me, declare by what is this stopped ?
(1036) 6. Buddha: ‘This question which thou hast asked, O Agita, that I will explain to thee; (I will explain to thee) by what name and shape are totally stopped; by the cessation of consciousness this is stopped here.
(1037) 7. Agita : "Those who have examined (all) Dhammas (i. e. the saints), and those who are disciples, and those who are common men here, —when thou art asked about their mode of life, declare it unto me, thou who art wise, O venerable man.'
(1038) 8. Buddha: 'Let the Bhikkhu not crave for sensual pleasures, let him be calm in mind, let him wander about skilful in all Dhammas, and thoughtful' (1039)
Agitamânavapukkha is ended.
1. 'Who is contented in the world,'—so said the venerable Tissametteyya,— who is without commotions? Who after knowing both ends does not stick in the middle, as far as his understanding is
· Nâmarüpañ ka.
2 Nâmañ ka rūpañ ka."
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