let the Bhikkhu not lament, and let him not wish for existence anywhere, and let him not tremble at dangers. (923)
10. Having obtained boiled rice and drink, solid food and clothes, let him not store up (these things), and let him not be anxious, if he does not get them. (924)
11. 'Let him be meditative, not prying, let him abstain from misbehaviour 1, let him not be indolent, let the Bhikkhu live in his quiet dwelling.
(925) 12. 'Let him not sleep too much, let him apply himself ardently to watching, let him abandon sloth, deceit, laughter, sport, sexual intercourse, and adorn(926) 13. 'Let him not apply himself to practising (the hymns of) the Âthabbana (-veda), to (the interpretation of) sleep and signs, nor to astrology; let not (my) follower (mâmaka) devote himself to (interpreting) the cry of birds, to causing impregnation, nor to (the art of) medicine.
14. Let the Bhikkhu not tremble at blame, nor puff himself up when praised; let him drive off covetousness together with avarice, anger, and slander. (928) 15. 'Let the Bhikkhu not be engaged in purchase and sale, let him not blame others in anything, let him not scold in the village, let him not from love of gain speak to people. (929)
16. Let not the Bhikkhu be a boaster, and let him not speak coherent language; let him not learn pride, let him not speak quarrelsome language. (930)
1 Virame kukkukkam.
Payuta; comp. Nâlakasutta, v. 33.
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