8. He is a Brâhmana that has conquered (sin)"; by him there is nothing embraced after knowing and seeing it; he is not affected by any kind of passion; there is nothing grasped by him as the highest in this world.
(795) Suddhatthakasutta is ended.
One should not give oneself to philosophical disputations; a Brâhmana who does not adopt any system of philosophy, is unchangeable, has reached Nibbâna.
1. What one person, abiding by the (philosophical) views, saying, “This is the most excellent,' considers the highest in the world, everything different from that he says is wretched, therefore he has not overcome dispute 2.
(796) 2. Because he sees in himself a good result, with regard to what has been seen (or) heard, virtue and (holy) works, or what has been thought, therefore, having embraced that, he looks upon everything else as bad 3
(797) 3. The expert call just that a tie dependent
· Katunnam kilesasîmânam atîtatta
Sîmâtigo bâhitapâpattâ ka brâhmano. : Paraman ti ditthîsu paribbasâno
Yad uttarim kurute gantu loke Hînâ ti aññe tato sabbam âha,
Tasmâ vivâdâni avîtivatto. Properly, others (are) wretched.'
8 Yad attanî passati ânisamsam
Ditthe sute sîlavate mute va Tad eva so tattha samuggahaya Nihînato passati sabbam aññam.
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