8. But he who is dependent undergoes censure amongst the Dhammas; with what (name) and how should one name him who is independent? For by him there is nothing grasped or rejected, he has in this world shaken off every (philosophical) view
(787) Dutthatthakasutta is ended.
4. SUDDHATTHAKASUTTA. No one is purified by philosophy, those devoted to philosophy run
from one teacher to another, but the wise are not led by passion, and do not embrace anything in the world as the highest.
1. I see a pure, most excellent, sound man, by his views a man's purification takes place, holding this opinion, and having seen this view to be the highest, he goes back to knowledge, thinking to see what is pure
(788) 2. If a man's purification takes place by (his philosophical) views, or he by knowledge leaves pain behind, then he is purified by another way than the ariyamagga, i.e. the noble way), together with his upadhis, on account of his views he tells him to say so
i Upayo * hi dhammesu upeti vâdam
Anûpayam kena katham vadeyya Attam nirattam na hi tassa atthi Adhosi so ditthim idh' eva sabbam. Passâmi suddham paramam arogam, Ditthena samsuddhi narassa hoti, Eť âbhigânam paraman ti ñatva
Suddhânupassîti pakketi ñânam.
8 Ditthihi nam pâva tatha vadânam. Comp. Garâsutta, v. 10; Pasdrasutta, v. 7.
* Upayo ti tanhâditthinissito. Commentator.
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