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all for him, for this is no inferior (person). Be without anxiety.
(692) 15. This prince will reach the summit of perfect enlightenment, he will turn the wheel of the Dhamma, he who sees what is exceedingly pure (i. e. Nibbâna), this (prince) feels for the welfare of the multitude, and his religion will be widely spread.
(693) 16. 'My life here will shortly be at an end, in the middle (of his life) there will be death for me ; I shall not hear the Dhamma of the incomparable one; therefore I am afflicted, unfortunate, and suffering.'
(694) 17. Having afforded the Sakyas great joy he went out from the interior of the town to lead a religious life; but taking pity on his sister's son, he induced him to embrace the Dhamma of the incomparable one.
(695) 18. When thou hearest from others the sound “Buddha," (or) "he who has acquired perfect enlightenment walks the way of the Dhamma," then going there and enquiring about the particulars, lead a religious life with that Bhagavat.' (696)
19. Instructed by him, the friendly-minded, by one who saw in the future what is exceedingly pure (i.e. Nibbâna), he, Nalaka, with a heap of gathered-up good works, and with guarded senses dwelt (with him), looking forward to Gina (i. e. Buddha).
(697) 20. Hearing the noise, while the excellent Gina turned the wheel (of the Dhamma), and going and seeing the bull of the Isis, he, after being converted,
· Brahmakariyam=sâsanam. Commentator.
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