17. 'Again they enter the sharp Asipattavana with mangled limbs; having seized the tongue with a hook, the different watchmen (of hell) kill (them).
(673) 18. “Then they enter Vetarant, that is difficult to cross and has got streams of razors with sharp edges; there the fools fall in, the evil-doers after having done evil.
(674) 19. “There black, mottled flocks of ravens eat them who are weeping, and dogs, jackals, great vultures, falcons, crows tear (them).
(675) 20. Miserable indeed is the life here (in hell) which the man sees that commits sin. Therefore should a man in this world for the rest of his life be strenuous, and not indolent.
(676) 21. “Those loads of sesamum seed which are carried in Paduma hell have been counted by the wise, they are (several) nahutas and five kotis, and twelve hundred kotis besides?
(677) 22. “As long as hells are called painful in this world, so long people will have to live there for a long time; therefore amongst those who have pure, amiable, and good qualities one should always guard speech and mind.'
(678) Kokaliyasutta is ended.
11. NÁLAKASUTTA. The Isi Asita, also called Kanhasiri, on seeing the gods rejoicing, asks the cause of it, and having heard that Buddha has been born, he descends from Tusita heaven. When the Sakyas showed the child to him, he received it joyfully and prophesied
1 Nahutâni hi kofiyo pañka bhavanti
Dvâdasa kotisatậni pun' aññâ.
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